Permaculture. App.

Want to save your time searching for really useful and quality information about Permaculture?

Install Permaculture. today. It is a free and useable application for any basic smart phone.  


Apple ioS  

Android Google Play



Read more: Permaculture. App.

Can you support us?


To support the work on the Permaculture. app and to keep it a free app for anyone in the world with a basic smart phone, you can donate via Paypal


or you can contact us at email:

How can I support Permaculture.?


Become a:



      • Patron – Decide what you want to gift to sponsor our effort. If you like, we can acknowledge your support and business on the Permaculture. web page and within the application.

      • Partner – We are happy to work with partners to enhance members’ experiences or on Permaculture related projects.

      • Promotee – We can promote your services or products within the application for an agreed period and fee. Contact us with your proposal. As long as it aligns with the Permaculture ethics, it’s good to go. 

      • Promoter – You are very welcome to promote our app. on your platform. 

    More about us here:



    Professional Membership: Permaculture. App.

    We are a proud member of Permaculture Australia, the national permaculture member-based organisation.

    Permaculture Australia is the national permaculture member-based organisation in Australia. Activities include providing small grants to permaculture projects internationally via Permafund and supporting Accredited Permaculture education. Join as a member to help advocate for permaculture solutions here: