Author: Lizzy


April 25, 2023 By Lizzy

Permaculture educator training 2023 Each day had its own challenge and surprise for how I interact with others. How we affect, prompt and provoke each other towards a new greatness. I felt drained at times. I was equally energised and educated. I admired those who do this teaching gig for a job and I also […]

What’s happening?

April 10, 2023 By Lizzy

A post to map out what I am up to in 2023. The things I do when I am not doing paid work, with my family, horse or gardening, painting or having a quiet moment in the sunroom…     Active Now redesigning my orchard areas for spring abundance reading speculative futures Johanna Hoffman and […]

is being Green making you Blue?

February 10, 2023 By Lizzy

A phenomena I have observed with many people who live close to nature is that they exude energy. It’s not just the physical work – there is an intensity in them, a centredness – either obvious contentment and happiness, curious and proactive natures or just plain angry at the status quo and passionate about changing […]

Obsessions with plants

January 30, 2023 By Lizzy

A while ago I must have wondered what all the fuss about companion planting was about and if the knowledge was consistent or accurate (for an answer to the latter refer to recent horticulture and biodynamic research). And so I spent a few evenings creating this: Have a look, you won’t break anything. This […]

Pondering paradigms

January 21, 2023 By Lizzy

(Started on a Summer’s Saturday afternoon on the couch) Jan 2023 and a continuing exploration with my thoughts and understanding of paradigms…. The beginning… In response to a SM conversation on ‘Donella Meadows list of interventions in systems’. (Maxed out on the word count for the response!) This is the thought trail on designing interventions […]

Insure after ensuring

November 8, 2022 By Lizzy

This topic is about insurance for educators, programs or activity hosts (e.g. garden tours) in Permaculture.   This topic crops up every now and then on socials.  I have run a few sessions at convergences and heard some tales that made even my eyes widen.  Taking out insurance for public liability, business or professional liability […]

Human Factors domains, strategies, methods

August 29, 2022 By Lizzy

As many people don’t know what a human factors ergonomist does, I share this summary of strategy and methods. We help to bridge the gap between technology and humanity. This link will take you to a ‘public brain’ created by me.