Permaculture References
Permaculture Resources
The following suggestions may help to prepare you for a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) or getting started with your projects.
The free Permaculture. app links you to a vast amount of online resources – curated YouTubers, web pages of leading communicators about permaculture and homesteading, social media sites and more.
You could buy many of the books below through Melliodora Publishing, or as a member of Permaculture Australia (obtain member discounts) or visit your local library and ask them to borrow or buy them for your community.
Maybe you could start a book share circle or reading club?
Start with Dessert with a glass of goodness (lots of pictures)
- Essence of Permaculture (free download) a good place to start with dessert first
- The Good Life, How to Grow a Better World, Hannah Maloney, (2021), Affirm Press – very good overview of practical application from a skilled and wonderful person
- Costa’s World, Costa Georgiadis (‘easy-peasy’ permaculture, and more), (2021) – just legend, Costa is like our national cultural treasure in Permaculture
- PIP magazine: Australia’s permaculture magazine. Subscription with some content freely accessible.
A Main meal to ingest
- David Holmgren’s ‘RetroSuburbia: the downshifter’s guide to a resilient future’
- Permaculture: Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability, David Holmgren. The website:, has an abstract of this book as a free download. Look for ‘Essence of Permaculture’. Easy to read and not too long. – Web-based versions here on – easy-to-read info about permaculture. Lots of photos and diverse examples.
- Permaculture Designers Manual, Bill Mollison–Tagari. (This is a standard reference book for designers but it is not a ‘light’ read) ( – You don’t need to buy this but something for the shelf later or get one to share among friends.
- The Permaculture Handbook, Peter Bane, New Society Publishers, Canada (2012)
- People & Permaculture, Looby Macnamara, Permanent Publications, 2012 ( and related publications from Looby – challenges you to see the other domains of permaculture and look at the design process more comprehensively
- The Permaculture City: Regenerative Design for Urban, Suburban, and Town Resilience, Toby Hemenway (2015), Chelsea Green – a must-read for every urban designer, town planner and local councillor
- Edible Cities: Urban Permaculture for Gardens, Balconies, Rooftops & Beyond, Judith Anger, Immo Fiebrig, Permanent Publications (2013) – foretelling the urbanisation of permaculture
- Rosemary Morrow Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture 2022
Lighter to digest yet so nourishing:
- Introduction to Permaculture, Bill Mollison & Reny Slay – Tagari ( This started it all.
- Permaculture one – Permaculture One: A perennial agriculture for human settlements 1978 David Holmgren and Bill Mollison
- The Holistic Life by Ian Lillington, Axiom Australia (2007)
- Permaculture Design, A step-by-step guide, Aranya, Permanent Publications, (2012) – really clear ‘lessons style’ with grounded explanations for ethics and principles. Great teaching resource.
- Permaculture Pioneers, stories from the new frontier, edited by Kerry Dawborn & Caroline Smith, publ:
- Gaia’s Garden, Toby Hemenway (2009) 2nd ed, Chelsea Green – a classic and practical to apply.
- Tropical Permaculture Guidebook – McKenzie and Lemos ( – a masterwork for a specific context ( and envious cold climate gardeners
More suggested reading to add here soon
(this list is endless so download the free Permaculture. app where you can find it all!! and save you hours searching down the rabbit hole that is the internet)- some Aussie icons included below
- Permaculture Visions – quirky, chook love iconography with deeply researched stories and interviews
- Under the choko tree long-running blog showing applied permaculture in an urban setting with community outreach
- Our permaculture life and Permaculture Education Institute – Morag Gamble and Co.
- Good Life Permaculture: based in Hobart, Tasmania, inspirational!:
- Milkwood Permaculture: excellent holistic take on permaculture and how to make it your own –
- Brenna Quinlan (also publishes books & awesome posters):
- Charlie McGee, ‘Formidable Vegetable’, permaculture put into music:
- Geoff Lawton’s website: – leading educator and earth carer
- The Food Forest SA – 30 + years of demonstrated success – The Food Forest, and Food Forest TV
- Balcony Permaculture – this youtube by Morag Gamble with Natalie Topa in her ‘fifth floor farm’ in Nairobi, Kenya – really stretches the imagination about apartment living
- and so many more…
- Design for Life, Permaculture, The Food Forest Story, DVD, 2010. You can see the 3-minute trailer on YouTube (the whole DVD is available for purchase from The Food Forest website).
- Introduction to permaculture design, Geoff Lawton, DVD,
Your library and 2nd handbook shops or local book markets may be a source of other Permaculture book titles and DVDs.
Online learning platforms e.g. Udemy, EdX etc for free or low-cost courses.
On Vimeo you can find more quality and project-based content than youtube at times so worth searching around –
Reading the Landscape 2022
Online tips
Useful search terms – “permaculture’, ‘regenerative agriculture’ ‘agroforestry’ ‘appropriate technology’, ‘lo-tek” ‘solar punk’
Be mindful of cultural differences in how Permaculture is interpreted and represented.
Always fact check, research broadly, think critically and/ or try a method out for yourself in your context (and share what you learn).
Be aware of the history of Permaculture’s story; and that Permaculture has its roots nourished by indigenous, traditional wisdom holders so pay respect and take the time to develop relationships and listen actively with local mob.
Ask – questions help to clarify for everyone. Support is usually offered.