Consultancy – Design
Available for consultancies in the Canberra Region and NSW
I work as a design partner – with where my clients are at and how they want to progress.
Want to have an efficient, productive, and regenerative business that generates positivity in the world, or an urban home or living systems that create conditions for life to flourish?
- Advice on building communities for well-being and positivity.
- Health and well-being talks, advice and audits
- Organisational design and risk management for small business, start ups and farmers
- Work design – job and task design, production, efficient systems and workflows, ergonomics and use of technology
- Permaculture design – applied to business, lifestyle, land.
Design living systems – applying design methods, the Permaculture framework, living systems design
Coaching or Education services
Education – Canberra Region
Design, Coach, Thrive
Education modules – As a trained adult educator, I also create education modules on specific topics e.g. risk management, project and team management, usability, experience and service design; for Permaculture projects and community programs. Let’s work together!