Ageing and Permaculture


To explore ageing as a human condition, permaculture design and ideas for a future…

The start – FEB2025

Tonight I listened to the Bennalla permaculture group (VIC) and Rowe Morrow talk about ageing. Rowe talked to permaculture design methods applied to zone 00 and to your home and lifestyle as you age. (I think i might have been the youngest one there :))

The overall message I got was very positive, taking control by planning and designing your life while accepting what you can’t control. Staying connected and active e.g. observing life around you, sharing, seeding funds and family dreams.

The question was asked – does permaculture make you live longer?? The general consensus was yes (all going well)!! Why? Being Active, socially connected, good nutrition, mentally stimulated and awake to life! Really a Permaculture life has all the elements of the global blue zones and creates abundant living systems while you age.

I made a sketchnote during the talk which I will pretty up later…

ageing & permaculture

The idea seedbank

What would a model look like for a permaculture designed ageing community network? 

Distributed hosting of our elders? Funds to access, shared care homes with rooms without rent? eco-villages generational living?

Our local permie groups act like a network for support as we age.

Research to be plugged in here

Paper to be drafted here after I have a chat to a few people.

Who’s going to re-interview the #Permaculture #pioneers on their ageing experiences? 

Maybe a sense-making project (#Cynefin Company, funding? #Churchill fellowship?)


Something for the “retirement”

the ultimate succession – a good death

Aim to have No Pain, Fear or Regrets

Finally a big thank you to my dad who enjoyed his life despite all the hardships and planned his end well enough to not end up in a institutional nursing home and to be surrounded by his loved ones.

My dad, Ray. RIP