timescaper’s privilege

April 20, 2024 By Lizzy

Making positive change in the world  – even in your world – is hard. Even the smallest idea for action may make us hesitate, leave it for someone else or second guess our right or capability to give it a go and learn from what happens next and build.

Hearing a conversation today about choice, middle class privilege and access to nutritious food made me realise a privilege is also the time to decide to act.

I am fortunate to (do a small amount of) work voluntarily supporting a foundation for people living in refugee camps (often for a decade or more) making life more bearable and enjoyable by applying permaculture principles and methods.  The privilege on my side is to have the skills and time to do the volunteer work as a choice. I could equally spend my time watching Netflix and sometimes I do.

The difference with the action I observe by the residents of the camps is that there is litttle hesitation – just an urgency to learn, apply and build on what they have helped to create often from ‘nothing’. Not to take action means loss of hope, poor nutrition and I expect misery

Is there some threshold point /sweet spot relationships where you are motivated without hesitation or second guessing to take action on ideas that make an impact however small?


The OODA loop gives some of the answer although I am sure there are others to apply to this context of motivated decision making.

OODA loop was generated a need for survival in conflict and is now being applied to make better decisions in all sorts of contexts.

How is situation-based motivation for future gain threaded in – as an information, as catalyst, as imagined future? Still pondering….

What would make a difference to my hesitancy to act? There is a view if you make it vague, it never happens.. think of 1 or 2 people or beings that you could help with an action and that helps to anchors so you take the action.

OODA Loop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop