Balcony on a Budget
August 27, 2023Tropical climate
- Climate zone 1 – High humidity summer, warm winter
South east facing balcony ~2.5 x6m rectangle- one corner (SW) is shaded in the afternoon from building shadows, 2 aircon outlets facing onto balcony (Balcony facing aircon outlet not used in summer)
No budget to allocate, no transport – relies on uber, taxi and friends with cars
Very little experience with gardening; wants to grow and eat some herbs for cooking, smell some lavendar (memories of home) and have a reason to go out on a balcony that is visually exposed to neighbourhood and has a lovely view to the ocean bays and cool breezes.
The concept.
Looking at Bunnings pot range online together and discussed using light weight planting pots to start off. A large squishy cushion, hammock or reclining seat might be added as budget allows.
Encouraged to get in contact with the local Permie group, SM buy nothing groups and explore local city market sellers for seedlings. Discussed how to feed edible plants, testing for wetness of the soil (the finger in the soil test) and not to overwater and where a tomato fruit grows from (the flower so don’t pull them off)
What the resident has done so far
The resident is now on their way to learning about being nourished by growing their own food and enjoying nurturing life.